
Hagar believes that all children should be equally empowered and protected regardless of their gender, nationality, religious or political beliefs, age, sexual orientation, family and social background and culture, economic status, physical or mental health, and criminal background.

Report a concern

You can report a concern regarding Child Safety or Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in any of three ways:

  1. Email:

  2. Phone: Call +61 3 8564 8512

  3. Post: Address mail to the Safeguarding Officer at SH1.09, Sacred Heart Building, Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford VIC 3067 and mark “Strictly Confidential”.

Anonymous reporting is possible and is better than not raising the concern. However, Hagar is in a better position to act on the report if it is not anonymous as further information can be gathered in a more targeted manner.

Feedback and Complaints

Hagar Australia welcomes feedback and is committed to efficiently and effectively resolving complaints. We recognise the importance of complaints and regard them as an opportunity to rectify issues and better serve our supporters.

We try our best, but sometimes issues develop. If that happens, we encourage you to tell us about it so we can help make things better and hopefully prevent them from happening again. When you tell us about an issue, we will do our best to listen to you, support you, keep you safe and resolve the issue with you. We will only share information with people who need to be involved in the issue.

Provide feedback or make a complaint

You can provide general operational feedback or complaints (i.e. related to our processes or communications) in any of these ways:

Use the contact us link on the website.

Email us at

Call us on +61 3 8564 8512 (9am-5pm AEST Monday-Friday)

Contact a Hagar staff member (by phone, email or speak with them in person)