
Emerging from the ravages of conflict and recent genocide, Cambodia is a country with rich cultural heritage and at the same time, deep inter-generational trauma.

Traffickers lure victims with false promises of work and prosperity, only to trap them in a cruel web of forced labor, scams, and abuse. The prevalence of criminal operations in casinos, dormitories, and remote offices across the country underscores the complexity of the problem. Traffickers with powerful connections often escape justice, and authorities' lack of accountability hinders progress. However, growing international pressure and local advocacy have forced the Cambodian government to acknowledge the crisis and vow to dismantle trafficking rings. While challenges persist, the fight against modern slavery gains momentum as awareness increases, and efforts to protect vulnerable communities and prosecute traffickers intensify.

Our Projects

  • The Whole Journey

    Through the Whole Journey project, Hagar focuses on supporting survivors, particularly women and children, in their healing process. By providing access to consistent and comprehensive social services, including counseling, medical care, education, and vocational training, we empower survivors to move beyond the trauma of their past and embrace a new beginning. This holistic approach ensures that survivors receive the support they need at every step of their journey to recovery.

  • Case Work Partnership for supporting survivors of labor trafficking

    Survivors of labor trafficking require dedicated support and assistance on their journey to recovery. That's why we have developed the Whole Journey framework, a comprehensive approach that offers tailored and specialized care to survivors. Through our case work partnership, we address the unique challenges faced by each survivor, providing them with essential services like safe accommodation, healthcare, legal support, counselling, and education. By equipping survivors with the tools they need to heal and rebuild their lives, we strive to empower them to reclaim their freedom and overcome the traumatic experiences they endured.

  • Empowering Children and Youth as Active Agents of Change

    At Hagar, we believe in empowering the future generation to be agents of positive change. Through this project, we work tirelessly to ensure that vulnerable children and survivors of abuse, regardless of gender, have equal access to essential social and legal services. Our focus lies in providing them with the necessary protection and creating a healthy environment where they can thrive. By addressing the unique needs of these children and youth, we aim to break the cycle of abuse and exploitation, paving the way for a brighter and more hopeful future.

  • Emergency Foster Care

    We recognise the urgent need for safe and nurturing environments for child survivors of human trafficking. Our emergency foster care project provides community-based care for these vulnerable children, ensuring they receive the love, care and support necessary to heal from their past traumas. In these safe spaces, children find refuge from the darkness of exploitation and abuse, gaining access to essential services such as education, medical assistance, and emotional counseling. By giving these children a chance to experience a childhood free from fear, we strive to instill hope and resilience in their hearts, guiding them towards a brighter and more secure future.

  • Reducing vulnerability to Human Trafficking and Abuse

    In our ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking and abuse, we recognize the importance of addressing the root causes and mitigating the risks faced by vulnerable populations. Through this project, we focus on improving the overall well-being of human trafficking and abuse survivors. Additionally, we work to reduce the vulnerability of migrant workers and community members to trafficking and exploitation. By empowering these individuals with knowledge, skills, and resources, we aim to create a safer and more protective environment that safeguards them from falling prey to the sinister traps of exploitation.

  • Economic Empowerment for Survivors of Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, and GBV

    Prevention is an essential aspect of our work, and this project is dedicated to preventing human trafficking and supporting survivors of exploitation through economic empowerment. We believe that by building the capacity of local duty bearers, community leaders, and returned migrant workers from Thailand, we can create a more robust and supportive environment for survivors. By providing them with education, awareness, and economic opportunities, we empower them to regain control of their lives and break free from the chains of exploitation. Through this project, we work towards building a future where human trafficking becomes a thing of the past.

  • Cambodian Church-Led Counter-Trafficking and Foster Care Project

    Our mission to end human trafficking and abuse extends beyond the organization, and we actively engage local communities and leaders in this fight. Through this project, we collaborate with church leaders and pastors, encouraging them to take an active role in responding to issues of human trafficking and abuse. By uniting efforts, we create a strong and united front against exploitation. Our goal is to mobilize the community to protect the vulnerable and support survivors. Through collective action, we strive to create a safer and more compassionate society where exploitation is not tolerated, and survivors receive the care and respect they deserve.

  • Legal Support to Survival of Human Trafficking & Abuse

    Through our Legal Support project, Hagar Cambodia ensures that survivors of human trafficking and abuse receive the justice and protection they deserve. By providing expert legal assistance, advocacy, and representation, we empower survivors to seek accountability for their perpetrators and navigate complex legal systems. This comprehensive legal support helps survivors regain control of their lives and ensures their rights are upheld.

  • Survivor Education

    At Hagar, we believe in the transformative power of education. Through our Survivor Education project, we focus on improving survivor capacity by offering tailored educational opportunities. By providing access to formal education, vocational training, and skill development programs, survivors gain the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in their personal and professional lives, breaking the chains of exploitation and opening doors to a brighter future.

  • Home of love

    Hagar’s Home of Love project aims to provide survivors of trafficking and slavery with a safe and nurturing environment. This project ensures that survivors have access to consistent, high-quality social services and support, including counseling, healthcare, education, and vocational training. The Home of Love serves as a sanctuary where survivors can heal, rebuild their lives, and regain their sense of self-worth and dignity.

  • Empowerment women for better future

    Hagar’s Empowerment Women for Better Future project aims to reduce the risk of vulnerability to human trafficking and abuse through education and economic empowerment. By providing women with access to education, vocational training, and livelihood opportunities, we equip them with the skills and resources to become economically self-sufficient and make informed decisions, breaking the cycle of exploitation and ensuring a better future for themselves and their families.